1965 IH 706
Lyle Johnson's Rare Front-Wheel-Assist

Front-wheel-assist is one of the rarer features found on the International 706 line, and this 1965 706 was fitted with the front-wheel-assist from an 806. "I had no idea what it was worth at the time," owner Lyle Johnson said of his purchase of the front-wheel-assist assembly. The hardest task was timing the front and rear wheels to match speed properly, which requires the front to turn about 5 percent slower than the rear. The 706 is also fitted with an IH turbo that, along with Johnson's pump tuning, has increased the horsepower from the factory-supplied 76 at the PTO to an even 100 PTO horsepower.
You can see more tractor photography by Lee Klancher in Red Tractors 1958-2013, the annual Farmall Calendar or Red Combines 1915-2015.